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Wasting Time

Amy English

What would you be thinking about it you weren't thinking about your weight? What would you do with all that time? My husband recently posed a question to me. He asked, "now that weight loss is no longer your hobby, what are you going to do?". The question was meant to be funny, and we both laughed. Then it hit me, the realization that my body, my weight, and my weight loss have consumed most of my time. There was the time I spent complaining. The time I spent comparing. The time I spent figuring out what to wear. The time I spent worrying about when to eat, and what to eat. The time I spent crying when I looked in the mirror. The time I spent trying to figure out what product I would try next. The time I spent doing painful workouts that my body despised. The time I spent tracking steps. The time I spent worrying about seeing people, showing up, and how I would hide my body. The time I spent on other attempts that would eventually put me right back in the same spot. What a waste of time. What would you do with all that time? At first I didn't have an answer to the question, and I think that's what scared me the most. I wasn't sure what I would do. I'm still figuring it out. That's okay. I love to ask my clients this question:

What percentage of your time is spent on your weight? The numbers are astonishing. Some start out low, which is impressive. However, as we start to dive deep and unravel the stories the true percentage is revealed. It's usually well above 50% of the time that women are consumed with some aspect of their weight, food, or body image. For many of us, myself included, it can go into the high 70-80% range (or higher). I wish I was exaggerating. Considering how many women are unhappy with their bodies this isn't surprising. It is heartbreaking. If you followed any of my story this year, then you know I've been unwinding all of this. I've been peeling back all the bullshit layers. What I have found is peace. It blows my mind when I recognize how my percentage of time has decreased. I have so much more space. I have room for other things, because I'm not consumed with trying to change. I have released the pressure, and now it's just happening. I don't feel desperate for another attempt to try. I'm not freaking out that I'll "never lose this weight". News flash: if you're thinking some version of that thought, you're making it your reality. What we think about we bring about. I believe that. Back to the original question..... What will I do with all the extra energy, space, and time? I have started by loving myself more. I'm enjoying my time with me. Just being, without all the negative chatter and additional pressure. I notice that I'm spending more quality time with the people I love. I'm more present, because my thoughts aren't taken up with weight crap. I'm also putting a lot of that energy into my coaching practice, which is making me very excited. That's a good feeling, so I'll follow it. I didn't get here over night. This has not been a quick process. I'm still losing the physical weight, but what I know for sure is that the mental weight had to go first. I had to stop my suffering. That's exactly what I did, and it's what I'm teaching my clients to do. That's where the magic is. Knowing that this process takes time (I'm proof), I decided to extend Fat2Fierce to a 12 month program for 2019. In a nutshell, here’s how it will work:

  • 12 months of coaching (starting January 2019)

  • 2 private coaching sessions per month (me + you)

You'll be billed at the beginning of each month and we will work together for the full year. I'm offering this opportunity to 10 women who are ready to experience living Fat2Fierce in 2019. We will start in January, right after the holidays. The deadline to sign up and make your first payment is December 31, 2018. How long will you continue to suffer? If you are ready to kick self-sabotage to the curb, stop stressing about food, find comfort in the skin you're in, and find peace with the whole process, then it's time to consider taking the next step. What could be possible for you next year?

Your next step: Click here to schedule a call so we can determine if working together is a good fit for both of us. Select the option for Free Transformation Session and choose the date/time that works for you. On your call we will discuss the program details to see if it makes sense. xo, Amy P.S. Did you know that I started a private Facebook group? It's called Fat2Fierce: Breaking the Diet Chains Forever. It's a free group for women who want extra support as they learn how to end emotional eating, stop self-sabotage, and break free from yo-yo dieting. Click here to join us.

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