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Amy English
Jun 14, 20183 min read
I blew my own mind this week. You may know that I created a workbook to accompany the Fat2Fierce coaching program. It's filled with...

Amy English
May 3, 20185 min read
My 100 Pound Journey - Month #4
My impossible goal this year is to lose 100 pounds. I am going to write a recap at the end of each month to share the good, the bad, and...

Amy English
Jan 4, 20184 min read
Fighting the Urge
There is nothing like 15 hours in a car to help you ponder. We had a great time in Buffalo celebrating the New Year. If you follow me on...

Amy English
Oct 1, 20172 min read
Setting Goals
My personal goal for September was to lose 7-10 lbs. I would accomplish this goal by following a specific protocol that I created for...

Amy English
Oct 23, 20162 min read
Feeling Free
When I first found out we were moving to Georgia - or rather, when I first learned we were considering moving there - I felt a wave of...

Amy English
Oct 8, 20162 min read
Cupcake? What Cupcake?
The cupcakes have been sitting in my fridge all week long. I assume my parents brought them over last week when Garret and I were both...

Amy English
Aug 22, 20164 min read
The Brownie Battle
Why do I want the brownie? I hung up from a phone call and told myself to get a brownie. They are the best brownies. We bought them from...
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