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How to Stay Committed When You Don’t Feel Like It: Real Strategies to Keep Going

Writer's picture: Amy EnglishAmy English

Women's hands in the air

Introduction: Stay Committed

Let’s face it: there are days when we just don’t feel like sticking to our commitments. Whether it’s exercising, eating better, working on a personal goal, or even showing up for work, the “I don’t feel like it” mood can hit us all. Today, I’m sharing some practical insights from my recent podcast episode, where I talk about how I pushed through a day I really didn’t want to record. If you’re ready to learn how to stay committed to yourself and your goals, even on the tough days, you’re in the right place.

Revisit Your “Why”

One of the most powerful tools to stay committed is to revisit your “why.” Why did you set this goal in the first place? Maybe you’re trying to exercise more, eat better, or keep a personal commitment to yourself, like I have with my weekly podcast. For me, my “why” is about helping people transform their relationship with food and their bodies through Fat2Fierce®. I want to show up each week and share what I know, so people who are struggling with emotional eating and body image can feel supported. This deeper reason helps me push past the initial resistance.

Action Tip: Take a moment to write down your “why” for any commitment or goal you’ve set. Revisit it often, especially on those days when your motivation is low.

Break It Down into Manageable Steps

Sometimes, big goals feel overwhelming. It’s easy to procrastinate when a task seems too large or challenging. Breaking it down into smaller, manageable steps can make a big difference. For example, if your goal is to start exercising, instead of telling yourself to work out every day for an hour, start by aiming for just 10 minutes a day. Once you accomplish that, you can build up from there.

Action Tip: Break down your goal into bite-sized steps. Celebrate small wins to keep the momentum going.

Embrace Self-Compassion

When you feel resistance or that urge to skip your commitments, remember that it’s normal. Resistance often shows up as a natural part of growth. The key is to be kind to yourself. Instead of feeling frustrated or beating yourself up, take a moment to acknowledge the struggle. Self-compassion allows you to stay open and to see resistance as a temporary feeling rather than an obstacle.

Action Tip: Talk to yourself as you would a friend who’s struggling. Practice saying, “It’s okay to feel this way,” and offer yourself a bit of grace.

Set Boundaries for Your Inner Critic

If resistance is tied to self-doubt or fear of failure, it’s essential to set boundaries with those inner voices. Acknowledge that the critic is there but doesn’t need to dictate your actions. For instance, when I feel the urge to say, “Just skip the podcast today,” I remind myself that I made a promise to show up. Setting that boundary with my inner critic helps me stay focused.

Action Tip: Practice noticing and gently challenging negative self-talk. Remind yourself that you can keep moving forward despite those thoughts.

Commit to Consistency, Not Perfection

One of the best things I’ve learned is to aim for consistency over perfection. I remind myself that I don’t have to be perfect—I just have to show up. Allow yourself room to make mistakes and keep going. A single bad day or off moment doesn’t erase your progress. This mindset shift is crucial, especially if you tend to be all-or-nothing about your goals.

Action Tip: Allow yourself to have an “okay” day rather than a perfect one. The important thing is to keep moving forward.

Create Accountability

Having someone to check in with can make a big difference in staying accountable. For me, my podcast listeners help keep me on track. Knowing there are people expecting an episode each week encourages me to show up, even when it’s challenging. This kind of accountability can apply to any goal, whether it’s a friend, a coach, or a supportive community.

Action Tip: Tell someone about your commitment. When someone else knows about your

goal, it can help keep you motivated.

Visualize Your Success

Visualization is a powerful tool. Spend some time imagining how it will feel to succeed. Envision reaching your goal or achieving what you set out to do. This simple exercise can give you a boost of inspiration and remind you why it’s worth staying committed.

Action Tip: Take a few minutes each day to imagine how you’ll feel when you reach your goal. Let that vision fuel you.

Make it a Habit

When a goal becomes part of your routine, it’s easier to stick with it. For example, I’ve made my daily bike ride a non-negotiable habit. I tie it into my morning routine by watching the news while I ride, which gives me something to look forward to. This way, I don’t need to decide every day—I’ve already committed to it.

Action Tip: Attach your goal to an existing routine to make it a habit. The less you have to think about it, the easier it is to follow through.

Reward Yourself

Celebrating your wins, no matter how small, is essential. Rewarding yourself can reinforce positive behavior and make your goals feel more achievable. When I finish recording an episode or get through a workout, I take a moment to acknowledge my effort.

Action Tip: After completing a commitment, do something small to celebrate. It could be a cup of tea, a quick walk, or even a few moments to relax.

Final Thoughts

Staying committed isn’t always easy, but with these strategies, you can build resilience and keep going, even on the hardest days. Remember, you don’t have to be perfect, and resistance is just a part of the process. Next time that voice says “just skip it,” take a deep breath and remind yourself why you’re doing this. Embrace self-compassion, set boundaries, and visualize the end goal. When you keep showing up, even in the small ways, those little steps can lead to big changes over time.

Takeaway: What commitment or goal have you been struggling with lately? Try one of these strategies to push through, and remember, even small progress is still progress!


Amy English, Fat2Fierce® Empowering women to take back their power with food and find peace with their bodies.

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